The result announced yet by IEC, indicates that Karzai is leading by about 44%, Abdullah the 2nd by about 33% and Bashar Dust by about 13%, the third leading candidate. there have been many reports of irregularities which are supposed to be addressed by ECC the electoral Complaint Commission.
Dr. Abdullah blames Mr. Karzai of fraud and irregularities in many provinces, particularly the south and the south east. there have been some complaints against Abdullah in the provinces like Panjshir, Kapisa, Kundoz etc. Bashar Dust blams and accuses both of them. Out of all these alleged irregularities and frauds, one thing is clear that Karzai has got more vote in the areas where Pashtoons live. Abdullah has got more votes from Tajic inhabited areas and Bashar Dust from Hazara populated areas. Ethnic factor is some thing which needs to be noticed by all of those who were involved in the process. In Hazarajat, Despite of much efforts and campaign by Karzai and Abdullah groups, people didn't vote them and they supported Bashar Dust. Bashar Dust has emerged as a phenomenon deserves to be counted up on in the future.
David Scott Palmer, RIP
6 years ago